The RS500 Rooster National Tour 2025 kicks of at a familiar venue, Bristol Corinthian, in March
Sat 29 Mar - Racing with the RS200s and RS400s
Sun 30 Mar - Training with ian Mairs
Enter for one or both days, easy launching, friendly grass roots club, quickfire short-turnaround racing, an ideal weeekend for all. Online entry is now open.
Other dates to your diary too:
Harken RS Sprints Regatta, Rutland 26/27 April
Two days of short, sharp racing against your class, with an evening meal together.
After a fantastic and well-attended Inland Championships at Grafham WSC in 2024, the fleet return for the 2025 RS500 Inland Championships. This time the RS500s will join the Grafham Skiff Challenge, racing alongside the Buzz, 4000, Iso, B14, K6 and Cherub classes. What a fabulous opportunity to showcase the RS500s!
Island Dinghy Champs, Gurnard, 5/6 July
The RS500s are warmly invited to sail with the UK's biggest and fastest gfrwoing RS500 fleet at Gurnard SC for the Island Dinghy Championships. More details to follwo soon - ask to be added to the fleet WhatsApp group to be the first to know about accommodation, ferry deals etc., and please do ask 500 sialors from Gurnard for logistics help.
Noble Marine National Championships, Mounts Bay, 25-28 Sept
How lucky are we to get the prestigious Mounts Bay? Big tip here is to arrive on Tuesday or first thing Weds if you can for a pre-event Mount visit and afternoon sail.