Results / GUL Grand Prix Parkstone YC - 15/09/2012
The morning of Saturday arrived, and the eagerly anticipated Gul RS500 Grand Prix at Parkstone Yacht club was about to get underway, however with rumours around the boat park that the Race Officer had reservations about sending us afloat, a short delay was posted. After a short stroll up to the balcony the reason became evident – No wind whatsoever! I am glad to say that this sorry state changed quickly and made way for the increasing wind as per forecast, which steadily built to a nice solid force 3. Three races were had on a windward leeward in the bay, just off the exclusive Sandbanks peninsula. Conditions were ideal, and racing tight between the 4 boats, with Peter/James Curtis taking the overnight lead.
Sunday morning, and sadly less sun that the previous day, and once again little sign of wind. We were getting used to the game of cat and mouse however, and on getting afloat were again greeted by a reasonable breeze. It built throughout the day and by the third race (race 6) we were up to a force 4 and some decent downwind planning conditions. Again racing was tight, and what Peter/James and Dave/John were able to eek out downwind, Ian/Tally were able to regain upwind. Again, as per Saturday, Peter and James stepped up to the mark to take another three bullets and claim victory at the event. Many congratulations to the fours teams that took part, especially the guest appearance of an RS200 combo team from PYC in a borrowed boat from RS.
Ian Mairs
RS500 Training Rep
Overall Results Summary:
Peter and James Curtis – 1st
Ian Mairs and Tally Watson – 2nd
David Houghton and John Symonds – 3rd
Peter Loretto/Chris Bower and Josh Dack – 4th